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Signs & Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, also referred to as periodontitis and gum disease, is a progressive condition that is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults in developed countries. It occurs when plaque toxins irritate the gum tissue, leading to a bacterial infection known as gingivitis. If left untreated, it can result in the destruction of the gums and underlying bone, causing loose teeth or tooth loss.

There are different types of periodontal disease, including aggressive, chronic, necrotizing periodontitis, and periodontitis associated with systemic diseases. Each type has distinct characteristics and symptoms, requiring prompt treatment by a dentist to prevent further bone and tissue loss.

Common signs and symptoms of periodontal disease include:

1. Unexplained bleeding: Bleeding during brushing, flossing, or eating is a common symptom of a periodontal infection caused by plaque toxins.

2. Pain, redness, or swelling: Swollen, red, or painful gums without an apparent reason may indicate a periodontal infection. Prompt treatment is crucial to prevent further damage to the gum tissue and jawbone.

3. Longer-looking teeth: Gum recession caused by periodontal disease can make the teeth appear longer and the smile more “toothy” due to the destruction of supporting tissues and bones.

4. Bad breath (halitosis): Lingering food particles between the teeth and beneath the gumline can cause foul breath due to increased bacterial activity in deeper gum pockets.

5. Loose teeth or change in bite pattern: Rapidly progressing periodontitis can lead to loose teeth or shifting of teeth in the affected area as the bone tissue is destroyed.

6. Pus: The presence of pus between the teeth is a clear indication of a periodontal infection.

Treatment of periodontal disease focuses on halting its progression and preventing further damage to the gum tissue and jawbone. The dentist will assess the extent of the disease and may prescribe antibiotics along with nonsurgical or surgical treatments.

For moderate periodontal disease, a procedure called scaling and root planing is performed to thoroughly remove debris from the pockets below the gumline. Antibiotics may be applied to aid healing and eliminate remaining bacteria.

Severe periodontitis can be treated through laser treatment to reduce pocket size, tissue and bone grafting to stimulate tissue growth, and pocket elimination surgery (flap surgery) to directly reduce gum pocket size.

Early diagnosis and timely treatment of periodontal disease are essential to preserve oral health and prevent further complications. Regular dental checkups are crucial for detecting and addressing periodontal disease.

We now have 2 locations for your convenience

From cosmetic dentistry to dental implants, Hastings Dental Studio is dedicated to providing the dental services you need. With years of experience and genuine hospitality, we prioritize the care of your smile in a welcoming office environment. Our passionate team is eager to meet you and establish a relationship that you and your family can rely on for years to come. Don't wait – call us today at (604) 416-5444 to schedule your next appointment at our warm and welcoming Vancouver dental office. You can also reach us by email at [email protected] or fill out our convenient contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Hastings Dental Studio

2652 East Hastings St,
VancouverBritish Columbia V5K 1Z6

Mon                       11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tues/Fri                   9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Wed/Thurs           11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sat                            9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sun                         Closed

(604) 251-5969


Hastings Dental Centre

2420 East Hastings St,
VancouverBritish Columbia V5K 1Z1

Mon                       11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tues/Fri                   9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Wed/Thurs           11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sat                            9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sun                         Closed

(604) 251-5969