
Impacted Canines
Humans have four canine teeth, two in the upper jaw (maxillary canines) and two in the lower jaw (mandibular canines). Canine teeth, also known as cuspids, fangs, or “eye teeth,” are located directly beneath the eyes. They have thicker and more conical roots compared to incisors, providing a strong connection to the jaw. Canine teeth typically have the longest root among all teeth and are the last to fully erupt, usually around the age of 13.
Impacted teeth occur when a tooth is blocked, stuck, or unable to fully emerge and function properly. While third molars (wisdom teeth) are commonly impacted, upper canines are the second most frequently impacted teeth. Unlike wisdom teeth, canines play a crucial role in the bite and require treatment for the following reasons:
Closing Gaps: Canines are the last front teeth to come in, closing any gaps between the other upper teeth and improving aesthetics.
First Touch: Canines have a vital role in the biting mechanism. They make initial contact when the jaw closes, guiding other teeth into their proper positions.
Alignment and Function: Canine teeth are essential for the correct alignment and function of the dental arch. Missing or impacted canines can significantly impact both the function and appearance of the smile.
What causes canine teeth to become impacted?
Several factors can contribute to impacted canine teeth:
Extra Teeth: The presence of extra teeth can impede the natural eruption of canines. The eruption path may be obstructed directly by an additional tooth, or overcrowding may leave insufficient space for the canines to emerge.
Overcrowding: Poor alignment of front teeth can lead to overcrowding, where existing teeth compete for space, leaving little room for canines to properly emerge.
Unusual Growths: Rarely, abnormal growths on the gum tissue can restrict the progress of canine teeth, resulting in impaction.
Early and thorough examination of the teeth, starting around the age of 7, can help identify potential issues with impacted canines. Documenting the presence or absence of canine teeth at a young age is important for tracking their eruption progress. As the patient grows older, the likelihood of impacted canines erupting naturally decreases. If canine teeth are missing or slow to erupt, the dentist can recommend appropriate treatment.
Oral Examination: The dentist begins with a comprehensive visual examination of the teeth, often accompanied by panoramic or individual x-rays. Once the cause of impaction is determined, several treatment options are available based on the patient’s age. The goal is to facilitate the eruption of impacted canines, and this can be accomplished by the dentist, an oral surgeon, or an orthodontist.
What does the treatment of impacted canines involve?
If overcrowding is present, the dentist may recommend tooth extraction. An oral surgeon will perform the extraction under local anesthesia. Subsequently, the unerupted canine will be exposed by lifting the gum tissue and guided into place using a special bracket.
For younger patients, an orthodontic brace may be used to create space on the dental arch for the impacted canine. Surgery for impacted canines typically does not require an overnight stay. Pain medication will be prescribed as needed, and post-treatment instructions will be provided to aid in recovery.
We now have 2 locations for your convenience
Hastings Dental Studio
2652 East Hastings St,
Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 1Z6
Mon 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tues/Fri 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Wed/Thurs 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sat 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sun Closed
(604) 251-5969
Hastings Dental Centre
2420 East Hastings St,
Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 1Z1
Mon 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tues/Fri 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Wed/Thurs 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sat 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sun Closed
(604) 251-5969