Mouth – Body Connection
Research studies have provided strong evidence of the association between periodontal disease and other chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, pregnancy complications, and respiratory disease.
Periodontal disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gum tissue, infection below the gum line, and the presence of disease-causing bacteria in the oral region. By effectively managing periodontal disease and maintaining excellent oral hygiene, not only can the risk of gum disease and bone loss be reduced, but also the chances of developing other serious illnesses.
Here are the common cofactors associated with periodontal disease:
Individuals with pre-existing diabetes are more likely to have or be susceptible to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can elevate blood sugar levels, making it challenging to control glucose levels. This factor increases the risk of diabetic complications. Conversely, diabetes thickens blood vessels, impeding the mouth’s ability to eliminate excess sugar. The accumulation of sugar creates an environment for oral bacteria that cause gum disease.
Heart Disease
There are theories explaining the link between heart disease and periodontitis. One theory suggests that oral bacteria strains that worsen periodontal disease attach to the coronary arteries when they enter the bloodstream. This attachment contributes to blood clot formation and narrowing of the coronary arteries, potentially leading to a heart attack.
Another possibility is that inflammation caused by periodontal disease leads to significant plaque buildup, swelling the arteries and exacerbating pre-existing heart conditions. The American Academy of Periodontology suggests that patients whose bodies react to periodontal bacteria have an increased risk of developing heart disease.
Pregnancy Complications
Women, in general, face an increased risk of periodontal disease due to hormonal fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Research indicates that pregnant women with periodontal disease are at a higher risk of preeclampsia and giving birth to underweight, premature babies.
Periodontitis increases levels of prostaglandin, a chemical that can induce labor. Elevated prostaglandin levels may trigger premature labor and increase the chances of delivering an underweight baby. Periodontal disease also elevates C-reactive proteins, associated with heart disease. Increased levels of these proteins amplify the body’s inflammatory response, raising the risk of preeclampsia and low birth weight babies.
Respiratory Disease
Oral bacteria linked to gum disease can potentially cause or worsen conditions such as emphysema, pneumonia, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). During normal inhalation, oral bacteria can be drawn into the lower respiratory tract and colonize, leading to bacterial infections. Studies have shown a possible connection between the repeated infections seen in COPD and periodontitis.
In addition to the bacterial risk, inflammation in gum tissue can contribute to severe inflammation in the lung lining, exacerbating pneumonia. Individuals with chronic or persistent respiratory issues often have weakened immunity, allowing bacteria to colonize beneath the gum line without effective immune response.
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2420 East Hastings St,
Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 1Z1
Mon 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tues/Fri 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Wed/Thurs 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sat 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sun Closed
(604) 251-5969